Asking the Question
This training outlines the ‘why/who should/who to and how to’ ask patient attending Barwon Health about their Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status. It provides pictorial guidance, practical information to increase skills and confidence to sensitively enquire and record the status into the relevant patient information system.
Length: 60 minutes Book here.
Culturally Appropriate Care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Patients
This training delves deeper into holistic approaches to caring for Aboriginal people and is designed to provide practitioners with strategies, skills and insight to delivering culturally appropriate, sensitive and specialised care.
Length: 60 / 90 / 120 minutes Book here.
Yarning with the Aboriginal Health Team
This informal discussion with members of the Aboriginal Health Unit provides an opportunity to discuss issues of interest or concern and answer questions that have arisen in practitioners day to day work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Patients. Length: 30 to 60 minutes. Book here.
As part of the sessions you may receive information about: Aboriginal Health at Barwon Health, Aboriginal history & identity, the Aboriginal Employment Plan and Barwon Health’s Cultural Safety Plan.
Staff also undertake online Aboriginal Cultural Training via the Staff Learning Portal.
Page last updated: May 16, 2024